Thursday, September 29, 2011

Brads ex

So now after finding out that Brad is gay, we probably have a wayyyyy different outlook on him. I mean seriously he could have just admitted it. It is a big deal, but people would have gotten over it, right? To dig deeper, I talked to Brads ex-girlfriend. She recently broke up with him last month after a 2 year relationship. This is what she had to say: "Brad was very dedicated and he would never cheat, but I broke up with him because he was just too.......wimpy. He tripped on a rock one time and he had a panic attack because it was bleeding, total loser. I had to take him to the emergency room. When the doctor tried to put a band-aid on him, he screamed, curled up in a ball in my lap, and cried. The doctor had to chase him all over the hospital just to put it on. I did notice that he was really girly. His favorite color is pink. If you think that's bad, you should know that he doesn't actually like pink, he likes pink with sparkles! How gay! He still lives with his Mom and she has to drive him to the radio studio every day because he has no car, total bum. Also he loves lollipops, rainbow lollipops, SERIOUSLY?!?!?! Fag."

And she stopped at that,"Fag." Join me next time to read about a guy that nobody even likes, Brad Steiner. And tune into Hits 96 everyday for all your hit music.

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